Each region of Ukraine has its own uniqueness and uniqueness, Zhytomyr region is not an exception.
There are many interesting tourist places that are worth visiting, at least once in a lifetime.
Particular attention deserves the Stone Village, enveloped in mysticism and secrets.
The tract is located in the picturesque geological reserve of Olevsky district, near the cozy village of Rudnya-Zamyslovetskaya. The tract is a cluster of bizarre and fairly large boulders, covered with emerald moss.
Huge boulders are scattered in the reserve among the young woods, which look like houses.
Stone Village has the right forms. In its center is a huge plate, resembling an altar. In the present time, here lived the wise men and priests, who possess mystical power.
Perhaps for this reason, abnormal phenomena occur in the local regions, which often can not be explained. Many people get the impression that this place is something that protects from uninvited guests.
Sometimes it's not immediately possible to get there, an unknown force drives around and gets in the way, even the locals often wander. In the area of the reserve, really strange things are happening, there have been seen luminous spheres many times, that they appeared from nowhere and disappeared into the instant.
Mysterious balls in the Stone Village
Naturally, I would really like to know exactly how the Stone Village was formed, but around this place there are so many theories and legends that it is not possible to determine where the truth is and where the invention is.
As for me, every person should decide for himself what to believe and what not.
Perhaps this mystery, incredible stories are so attracting curious tourists to this region.
Everyone eats to see, feel the uniqueness of the sights.
From different parts of Ukraine and the world thousands of tourists come here for new impressions. People argue that the stones have healing properties, can cure a person even in hopeless cases.
This is certainly hard to believe, but many overcome thousands of miles without sparing their time and money that would touch the print of the Lord's footprint on one of the boulders.
Local legends say that when it was here that the battle between God and the devil took place
for peace . Naturally, good conquered evil, and eventually the unclean was sent to hell. But Satan did not want to leave this world forever, he clutched his claws firmly into the stone on which the crevice had formed. If you believe the legend, it is a tunnel between the worlds through which the unclean can return. After a tiring battle, God took three steps and ascended to heaven. The abandonment of the tracks has been turned into oblivion, as if reminding all mankind of the battle between good and evil.
Today every tourist who comes here strives to go barefoot on the left mysterious footsteps. Many sincerely believe that this will help realize dreams and cure all diseases.
Foot print on a boulder in Kamenny Selo

There are several scientific hypotheses of the origin of Kamennoye Selo, each in its own right and seems plausible.
According to the first version, huge boulders could appear in this place through glaciers.
Over this theory, among scientists there are discussions today, some support, others deny.
According to the second version of the origin of the Stone Village, huge boulders can be the remains of ancient mountains. This theory is also controversial and ambiguous.
There is a third version of the origin of the Stone Village, which is closely intertwined with the ancient and mysterious architectural structure of the world by Stonehenge and UFO.What can be the connection between Stonehenge, Stone Sail and UFO, you ask?
With moonlight, the lines on the stone begin to glow, creating a single composition.
John deciphered the mysterious signs on the quartz rock and came to the conclusion that this is a map that points to the territory of Ukraine, namely, Kamennoye Selo.
After the discovery of Jones, the whole world recognized the unique Ukrainian landmark.
This mysterious place was visited by biologists, ethnographers, world scientists including Andy Jones.
During the research, new facts opened up, from which more questions arose than answers.
In the stone samples taken, the teachings found meteorite minerals, which in turn confirmed the non-terrestrial origin of the boulders in Kamenny Selo.
Moreover, none of the scientists can determine the exact age of the rock.
According to this scientific conclusion, Andy Jones named Kamennoye Selo, Alatar.
Alatar is a sacred stone of humanity, which has unique properties and has no age.
Teachings suggested that Stonehenge and Stone Village can be a kind of platform for UFOs. This theory is controversial but has a right to exist.
Especially if you consider that both attractions have much in common.
In support of the possible connection of Kamennoye Selo with a UFO, it is not worthwhile hammering about a very interesting fact, the Zhytomyr region is the leading region in the world where most unidentified objects were recorded.
How to get to Kamennoye Selo?
If you travel by public transport, then first you need to get from Zhytomyr by bus to the city of Olevsk.
Further from Olevsk make a transfer and go to the village of Rudnya-Zamyslovetskaya.
In this village there are regular buses daily.
The village itself is located thirty kilometers from Olevsk.
If you are on a car, then keep the route P 28 to Korosten.
Then turn left and follow the road Kiev-Kovel, towards Olevsk.
Having passed through Olevsk itself, with. Artynsk and Shebedichi you will enter the village of Rudnya-Zamyslovetskaya.
Further through the small bridge, over the river Perga and behind it you turn on the right and go no where not turning off, on the road hold a more rolled road.
GPS coordinates: 51°18′40″ с. ш. 27°58′10″
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